Our Church does not run itself. It relies on volunteer help and currently we have a number of events happening around the church and it would be great if you could lend a helping hand. Don't worry you will not be the only volunteer and you will be able to add and subtract your name as and when it suits you.

Coffee Time after the service

Serve Coffee and Tea after the service and help with the clearing up afterwards

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Cosy Cafe

Be in attendance on a Monday or a Wednesday afternoon as an adult in case any of the young people want to talk to someone. More advanced would be making Hot Chocolate and toast for the teens. Male vol

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Warm safe place

Our warm space is a place where people can come along and chat , have a cuppa and feel part of the welcome of Orchardhill

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Wednesday matinee

On Wednesday luchtimes and early afternoon we will be showing a movie. Your job would be to be available to assist with the set up of the films

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Orchard Cafe

Orchardhill runs a cafe on Tuesday and Thursday you would be required to serve teas and coffees also Soup on a tuesday

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My Details

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Media Desk

The sound desk is vital for the smooth running of our Sunday services. It is simple and straightforward and you will be fully trained in either the computer screens or the sound itself

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Sunday Streaming service

Can you monitor what is being seen by our online congregation each Sunday. Full training will be given for this one of the simplest tasks in the church

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Sunday Door Duty

Can you welcome people at the door on a Sunday Morning with a warm smile and greeting.

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Flower Delivery

This job involves arranging the Sunday flowers after the morning service into approx 3 bouquets to be delivered to people allocated to you by the minister.

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Thanks for Volunteering we will be in touch soon